Health & Fitness - Live Healthy Keeping you Happy, Healthy & Safe Sat, 16 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health & Fitness - Live Healthy 32 32 Joint Genesis Review Sat, 16 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 What I like most about the product is that highest order of care is taken to ensure replenishing of synovial fluid leading to a healthy cartilage and preventing inflammation. Embracing Joint Genesis promises not just a short-lived respite but rather the prospect of a lasting solution to joint-related challenges.

The post Joint Genesis Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Joint Genesis

Chronic joint pains and inflammation often become a prevalent concern as individuals reach middle age, casting a shadow over their daily lives. The excruciating pain, which can severely impact mobility, flexibility, and routine activities, sometimes even necessitates dependence on others. Finding a lasting solution to this seemingly inevitable problem becomes a paramount pursuit.

Joint Genesis
It is widely acknowledged that our joints undergo changes with age, losing the vital synovial fluid responsible for lubricating and nourishing them. This loss exposes the cartilage, leading to inflammation and the development of chronic pain, ultimately diminishing mobility. In this quest for relief, many individuals seek remedies that offer respite from this pain and the associated mental strain. However, despite numerous claims made by various companies, it often transpires that their treatments introduce additional complications, leaving sufferers in a frustrating quandary.

Joint Genesis, developed by the esteemed Dr. Mark Weis, a promising solution that purports to have cracked the code, offering renewed flexibility, independence, and unhindered movement. What sets this formula apart from its counterparts is its approach to tackling the root causes of these debilitating issues. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of Dr. Weis’ groundbreaking creation, we uncover a glimmer of optimism for those navigating the challenging terrain of midlife joint ailments.

What is Joint Genesis and how it works

Joint Genesis is a blend of natural ingredients which are scientifically proved to help in mobility and flexibility. The supplement is said to be safe, without any side effects, offering safe and long-lasting results. It is vegan-friendly, and it is free of dairy, sugars, soy, eggs, nuts, and gluten. The product is manufactured at an FDA approved facility.

Dr. Weis claims that the inflammation and pain in the joints is not just due to the wear and tear of the joints, and it is the synovial fluid that is fully responsible for the issue. When it becomes dry and thick, it leads to cartilages rubbing against each other leading to pain and inflammation. So it is essential that Hyaluronan, a molecule that absorbs water and keeps the synovial fluid lubricated, and it is fully responsible for maintaining the optimal function of the fluid. So Joint Genesis increases the number of the hyaluronan molecules in the fluid by more than ten times. So it naturally reduces pain and discomfort.

The main ingredients of Joint Genesis are:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Boswella extract: an Indian herbal extract full of anti-arthritis properties. Boswella extract is supposed to be a safe treatment if you are suffering from chronic arthritis.
  • Ginger powder: has many health benefits such as pain relief, joint health, reducing osteoarthritis, and improved digestion. It also has antioxidants to protect the body against any stress.
  • Pycnogenol (pine bark extract): is an extract from a French maritime pine tree. It is rich in anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants to reduce the wear and tear and pain. It also improves the immunity of the body.
  • Bioperine (black pepper extract): is an extract from black pepper. The main function is to improve the efficiency of the bioavailability of other ingredients. It provides you pain relief, improves gut health, and treats many other illnesses. It can also manage the sugar levels.
  • The main ingredient of Joint Genesis is Mobilee that supports joint mobility of people in all ages. This contains collagen, peptides, glycosaminoglycans and polysaccharides, all of which support joint health and function. Satsumaimo is actually a sweet potato popular in Japan to improve joint health by naturally producing hyaluronan. It improves joint health and reduces the discomfort.

Joint Genesis is available in the form of capsules that lasts for 30 days. You need to take one capsule every day with a glass of water. The capsules offer better absorption of nutrients that are very much needed for the bone health. I also find that Joint Genesis can be used by both men and women of all ages. You may not get instant results, but with regular usage, you will surely feel the positive outcome. Dr. Weis recommends that the product should be taken for at least 6 months without any disruption. What I liked most about the product from the reviews is that the product does not have any side effect. Joint Genesis is different from other products as it has a unique approach to the joint health.


  • Joint Genesis improves lubrication of the joints.
  • It nourishes the cartilage.
  • The cartilage is well-protected.
  • It increases the blood flow and ensures availability of nutrients and oxygen to the joints and other parts of the body.
  • Joint Genesis helps in reducing stiffness, supports flexibility and movement.
  • The product even improves blood circulation.
  • Your immune system gets a boost to strengthen the system.
  • The product can improve the artery health, lower cholesterol levels, and improve circulation.
  • The ingredients of Joint Genesis help in strengthening the muscles and bones, thus preventing any fracture.
  • The product is free of any gluten, nuts, dairy, and GMOs.
  • It is easy to consume for good effect.
  • All the ingredients in the product are natural ingredients.
  • It is vegetarian and vegan friendly.
  • Most importantly, the company offers a money-back guarantee if not satisfied.
  • The ingredients have scientific evidence for their properties.


  • You cannot expect immediate result which may take time, and also it is dependent on the individual immunity level.

Final Review

Joint Genesis is a natural supplement unlike many other products in the market, and it enhances the general health by removing the root cause of inflammation and pain.

It is said to be a long-term solution for people like you who suffer from joint degeneration. Each ingredient is added with a view to improve the joint functions irrespective of age or gender. The synovial fluid is restored which reduces the inflammation and cartilage damage.

What I like most about the product is that highest order of care is taken to ensure replenishing of synovial fluid leading to a healthy cartilage and preventing inflammation. Embracing Joint Genesis promises not just a short-lived respite but rather the prospect of a lasting solution to joint-related challenges. Furthermore, the manufacturer’s unwavering confidence in its product is exemplified by the assurance of a money-back guarantee, valid up to six months from purchase. This not only underscores the commitment to customer satisfaction but also underscores the worthiness of consideration. Judging by the accolades echoed in numerous reviews, Joint Genesis unquestionably merits a 5-star rating!

Joint Genesis

The post Joint Genesis Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Cortexi Hearing Supplement Review Thu, 01 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Cortexi formula works well as it targets the root cause of the problem and prevents further damage. It also has other benefits like inflammation control, improved focus, and mental alertness.

The post Cortexi Hearing Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.


Aging is a factor that we cannot prevent or stop. It is a non-negotiable package deal bundled with its share of aches and pains along with obvious hearing problems. The most painful part of it is that it has a significant impact on our daily lives, communication with others, and activities. Every one of us wants to prevent hearing loss and also to cure it if it shows up. Often, we have heard doctors say that hearing issues cannot be cured completely. So, we start looking out for other solutions that will provide relief to us.

When we look up the Internet, there are so many solutions offered by several companies, but how genuine they are? How can we be assured of positive results? Will there be any other side effects of using the solutions? These are some of the common and genuine questions that arise in our minds when we come across such solutions. Upon one such search, I stumbled upon a product called Cortexi Healing Supplement. Unlike the other products available in the market, Cortexi is said to be a natural dietary supplement meant for promoting auditory wellness and support the hearing system.

What is Cortexi and how it works

The manufacturers of Cortexi claim that the product is a natural dietary supplement exclusively for promoting auditory wellness. The natural ingredients enhance hearing power and stop hearing loss. The serum is made up of zinc, magnesium, Gingko Biloba, N-acetyl cysteine, and vitamin B 12. The product is very useful for you if you have tinnitus or ringing in the ears. It can be given directly and is effective in solving the problem.


Zinc and magnesium help in protecting the ears against hearing loss caused by age and other factors. Ginkgo Biloba increases the blood flow to the inner ear, reduces the hearing loss risk, and improves tinnitus. NAC helps in damage to the inner ear, reduces the severity of tinnitus, and Vitamin B 12 helps in the healthy functioning of the nervous system and improves hearing. It can reduce further damage due to tinnitus. You have to take the supplement daily to support your hearing health. A full dropper of Cortexi should be placed under the tongue before breakfast. Or you can also consume it by dissolving it in a glass of water.

Cortexi is designed to treat you when you are in middle age or more than that if you have hearing loss due to aging and other issues. It reduces the anxiety you face when you have a hearing disability. The blood flow to your inner ear improves. The main ingredients of the product include:

  • Grape seed: from crushed seeds of wine grapes and has a high amount of antioxidants. It also stimulates brain functions, prevents cognitive decline, and memory loss, and improves antioxidant levels.
  • Green tea: made from unoxidized tea leaves with antioxidants to support brain functions and control weight gain.
  • Gymnema Sylvestre: an herb to fight sugar cravings and lower blood sugar levels.
  • Capsicum annuum: from capsicum and a rich source of Vitamin C, Folate, and Vitamin B6 to reduce pain and help cure arthritis pain.
  • Panax Ginseng: it helps to improve the body’s resistance to stress.
  • Astragalus: a flowering plant used in traditional medicines to improve the immune system and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Chromium Picolinate: controls insulin resistance and helps in weight loss.
  • Maca Root: called Peruvian ginseng, contains iron and iodine to promote metabolism.

People who used it have not complained about any negative impact. Cortexi formula reduces the symptoms of tinnitus in you by bringing inflammation under control. You find yourself getting good sleep, less anxious, and stressed out. You will observe a great increase in mental sharpness. It helps you in reducing hearing loss through constant use of the product.

The product comes to you with a few bonuses too:

  • Hear Like A Pro: an eBook that guides you to improve your hearing and contains exercises to restore hearing functions.
  • Powerful Ways To Sharpen Your Memory: an eBook contains brain job activities to improve healthy brain functions.


  • It supports hearing power.
  • Cortexi reduces tinnitus by bringing inflammation in the inner ear under control and protects the ear from further damage.
  • Your stress and anxiety come under control, and your brain health improves apart from mental focus.
  • The product is fully made of natural and plant-based ingredients.
  • You can easily consume the supplement.
  • The main advantage is you do not get addicted to it.


  • It should not be taken if you are pregnant or have other ailments.
  • The results may take time according to individual health conditions.

Final Verdict

It is a high-quality supplement to promote healthy hearing and cognitive function. Made of natural and plant-based ingredients, the supplement improves overall health conditions. It is said that the usage of Cortexi is very simple, and if you do not like taking pills or other medications, the supplement comes in very handy.

Cortexi formula works well as it targets the root cause of the problem and prevents further damage. It also has other benefits like inflammation control, improved focus, and mental alertness. From the reviews of the users, I find that the product has no adverse side effects. Most of them have expressed satisfaction as their problem has been brought under control, if not fully relieved. By taking the product for 3 to 5 months continuously, they say good results can be seen. The product has a refund policy, so your money is absolutely safe. You can certainly give it a try based on the advantages claimed by the product. Since it has no side effects, you may go ahead with the product. After going through the reviews and features of the product, I would give it a 4 star, given the fact that it cannot fully cure you of the problem, but certainly can reduce the impact and further deterioration.


The post Cortexi Hearing Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

LivPure Supplement Review Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Liv Pure is said to be a weight loss solution by natural means and without any artificial ingredients. The manufacturers claim that the product is made in a strict and sterile environment and is proven to be safe to use.

The post LivPure Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.


Belly fat and obesity, burning issues all across! Are we not all struggling to find a solution to getting rid of this problem? Each one of us is literally seeking help from all available sources to cleanse the body and remove all toxins and chemicals accumulated. It has been proven that the liver is the main source of burning fat from our body caused by drugs, food, and the environment on the whole. We need some respite from belly fat and cleansing of our body, though not through any surgical method which is not at all safe, but through natural resources.

Now, the Internet is abuzz with so many products that claim 100% relief from the problem, but when going through the contents, I find that they are more chemicals that are indeed hazardous to the health and may aggravate the situation. After a lot of research on the Internet, I came across a product called Liv Pure which claims itself to be a popular weight loss supplement and is gaining popularity on the internet. When I went through the product details, I observed that the product is many times different from the ones in the market. Unlike these other products, Liv Pure claims to come up with all the details about the liver and how it can provide a broader spectrum of information.

What is Liv Pure and how it works

The team who created Liv Pure claims that it analyses the root cause of belly fat and obesity in any type of body. The supplement works safely and more effectively on any age group and gender as it contains only natural ingredients. When compared to the other products in the market which do not divulge the details of the formula, Liv Pure provides the details of every ingredient and how it works on the human body.

The product contains natural ingredients such as Silymarin, Betaine, Berberine, Molybdenum, Glutathione, Camellia sinensis, Resveratrol, Genistein, Choline, and Chlorogenic Acid. All these products help in weight loss, improve liver functioning, reduce belly fat, improve metabolism and energy, and all toxins are removed from the body. You have to take two capsules every day. The impressive part about this product is that so far the users have not reported any side effects. The main ingredients of the product include:

  • Silymarin: an ingredient extracted from milk thistle and has many features to improve liver health, protect it, and help in liver cell regeneration. It also detoxifies the liver.
  • Betaine: an amino acid to remove toxins, cleanses the liver and protects it from toxins. It helps in healthy weight loss by burning the unwanted fat in the body.
  • Berberine: a bioactive compound used in Chinese medicines to help liver detoxification.
  • Molybdenum: an essential nutrient to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. It removes pollutants from external sources. It helps in improving carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Glutathione: an antioxidant to treat health concerns. It helps in the proper functioning of the liver and reduces cell damage.
  • Camellia sinensis: a shrub full of bioactive compounds that burn fat and boost metabolism.
  • Resveratrol: a substance found in red grapes with a lot of antioxidants to help weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and improve adipose tissue levels.
  • Genistein, Chlorogenic acid, and Choline are natural ingredients that are harmless and aid in burning the fat from the body and improving metabolism.

The users can gain back their lean and toned bodies. The ingredients focus mainly on optimizing liver functioning and fat burning. There are two aspects to it, one is liver purification and the other one is fat burning. All the ingredients work in unity to help proper liver functioning and fat burning. When the liver starts functioning properly, you can witness healthy weight loss.

The product targets the main cause of belly fat and obesity. Natural detoxification is promoted when you start using the product. What I am impressed with in the product is that it contains natural ingredients which are absolutely harmless. The team has further established that even if you are a healthy person, you have toxin-filled liver which makes you gain weight. You may struggle to lose weight even after making all sorts of efforts. Liv Pure helps you to regenerate liver cells even if the liver is damaged. By purifying your liver and cleansing it, you can witness better weight loss.


  • Liv Pure regulates fat accumulation in the body and dissolves extra fat.
  • It optimizes liver functioning, removes pollutants and toxins, and protects the liver from any disease or inflammation.
  • Your energy levels are improved, and your general health and mental health improves leading to improved mood and efficiency.
  • Your metabolism improves which stops further weight gain.
  • It is a natural formula to control weight gain.
  • The product is fully made out of natural ingredients of the highest quality.
  • There is a refund policy if you are not satisfied with the product.


  • The time taken to see positive results may vary in individuals.
  • The product is not advised for people below 18 years of age, lactating mothers, and pregnant women.
  • If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you should get approval from your physician before starting to use the product.

Final Verdict

Liv Pure is said to be a weight loss solution by natural means and without any artificial ingredients. The manufacturers claim that the product is made in a strict and sterile environment and is proven to be safe to use. Customers of any gender can use this product, and their reviews on the website show no adverse impact of the product after usage. They claim that they have seen positive results from the supplement. By consuming just two capsules per day, your liver becomes toxin-free, and you start losing weight.

Liv Pure is said to be effective when it is consumed as per the recommendations. You cannot expect a transformation overnight. When it is taken for three to six months, the product is said to clean the body and offer the much-desired result. The product comes to you with a risk-free refund guarantee if you are not satisfied with the impact. When you consider all these facts, Liv Pure seems to be an effective and legitimate weight loss formula. Your money is also safe as you have a refund policy. So, it is not a bad idea to try the product and reap the benefits. I would rate the product with a 4 star! Nothing should stop you now!


The post LivPure Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Prostadine Supplement Review Mon, 27 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Since the product has become very popular, it has only favorable opinions from the users. If you are a man above 40 years and suffering from prostate issues, Prostadine can help you reduce UTI and improve urinary tract health too.

The post Prostadine Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.


With stressful work schedules and fast-paced lives, we often tend to ignore our health. As we grow older, our priorities are towards our careers, homes, families, and so on. If time and energy permit, we work on our health. Practically speaking, men are strongly affected by stress. The result? We do not eat, sleep, or take enough water or rest, and this condition is ideal for diseases to take charge of our bodies. Now, how do we avoid such a situation by making some efforts to keep our body and mind fit?

It is not surprising to see that many men develop prostate-related issues leading to worse complications. Age and stress are the main factors responsible for this. If you are worried about your health and are looking to avoid diseases, you are surely always looking for solutions that can help. Though many products online claim to offer cures for prostate issues, based on the reviews from the users, I find Prostadine is quite the find!

What is Prostadine and how it functions

Prostadine is developed to protect and promote the health of the male prostate. It is a natural remedy and assures that it can handle all the underlying causes of prostate problems. So it comes as no wonder that Prostadine proves to be a much better option than other products available in the market. The product comes to you as a liquid with instructions to take one full drop daily. The product consists of nine natural organic components that help to improve prostate and urinary issues in men.

The main content of the product are:

  • Nori Yaki extract powder – a seaweed with a lot of iodine to control metabolism and ensure proper hormone production.
  • Wakame extract- a type of brown algae rich in protein and fiber, vitamins B 12, C, D, Folate, iron, and many more minerals. This also regulates hormones and improves the immune system.
  • Kelp powder – seaweed to promote bladder health with minerals, vitamins, and trace elements. It manages electrolyte balance in the body and eliminates toxins through the kidneys.
  • Saw palmetto – a small palm tree native to Florida and Georgia. It contains beta-sitosterol to help in anti-inflammatory function. It also controls urgency, frequency, and burning micturition.
  • Bladderwrack powder – a seaweed found in the coastlines of Europe and North America, rich in iodine, selenium, and silica.
  • Iodine – important for any thyroid hormone disorder. Selenium is needed for the immune system and silica for bone formation and tissue repair.
  • Shilajit – a resin from the Himalayan region containing triterpenoids to regulate hormones.
  • Neem – stimulates the adrenal glands and supplies more oxygen and nutrients to the heart. It improves the amount of testosterone in you.

All these products help in improving prostate health and in a better immunity mechanism. The users have reviewed the product as the best for long-lasting results without any side effects. The inflammation in the prostate gland is reduced. There are no side effects associated with the usage of the product.

You can order the product online, and you have a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Prostadine is a natural supplement for prostate health. It activates your prostate, helping in a good flow to empty the bladder each time. As compared to others in the market, the producer claims that Prostadine was developed after identifying the underlying reasons for the problem. The toxic minerals in the hard water of the USA are said to be the main reason for prostate issues. When left unchecked, the toxins accumulate in the body leading to other complications.

As per a recent study, Wakame helps in protecting the prostate and in increasing testosterone levels. Bladderwrack, another ingredient of Prostadine prevents cancer of the prostate by reducing tumor growth. Neem oil is useful in increasing sperm count and motility in men with fertility issues. All the studies go to show that Prostadine contains very powerful and scientific ingredients to promote prostate function. One has to shake the bottle and take one full drop to see the best and long-lasting results.

The key features of Prostadine are:

  • Non-GMO
  • Stimulant-free
  • Chemical-free
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Gluten-free
  • Soy free

The product works by reducing any excessive urination and avoiding poor output. Any symptoms of enlarged prostate are reduced. When compared to other products in the market, Prostadine has very few side effects. The ingredients are extracted from natural resources and are safe for consumption. A rigorous screening ensures that there are no chemicals, stimulants, or harmful ingredients in the product.

The product comes to you with a couple of bonuses too:

  • Kidney Restore 2-Day Flash Detox at Home
  • Rockstar Drive in 7 days.


  • Prostadine is made of natural herbs, and its antioxidant properties support prostate health by improving normal functionality.
  • The urinary tract is cleared and cured of any inflammation and infection.
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also known as prostate gland enlargement is reduced.
  • It can be a prevention supplement for BPH issues.
  • It improves prostate function.
  • It reduces excessive urination and restores deep sleep.


  • You will not get the bonus products if you order just one bottle of the supplement.

Final Verdict

I find that users have given very positive reviews about the product and how they were cured of the problems within a short time. Also, there are many benefits as the ingredients are purely organic. It is an appropriate choice if you are keen on regulating urinary functions and improving the health of the prostate. It is very crucial for any man’s overall health. What I liked best about this is, the product has not reported any adverse results in the users.

Since the product has become very popular, it has only favorable opinions from the users. If you are a man above 40 years and suffering from prostate issues, Prostadine can help you reduce UTI and improve urinary tract health too. With a money-back guarantee, your investment is quite safe. It is very good if you can give a trial of the product after consulting with your physician. Never use any medicine or supplement without right medical advice. It is always better to be safe. After going through the reviews on the website, I would not hesitate in giving a 5-star rating for the product!


The post Prostadine Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

AlpiLean Fat Loss Review Wed, 11 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The reviews from the users show that they have become cheerful after the Alpilean pills burned fat and elevated mood and energy. No chemicals or preservatives have been added to the product.

The post AlpiLean Fat Loss Review first appeared on Live Healthy.


AlpiLean Fat Loss Review – What’s Trending? The most talked about, thought about, and worried about topic these days is obesity and how to reduce your body weight! Even among children, this problem is causing concern. All of us want a natural and side-effect-free product that can help us reduce weight without much dieting or tough physical exercises. You may come across many products on the internet that claim to help in reducing weight. But if you go through the contents, you will realize they cause more harm than actual obesity.

Now, how to find a product that really is helpful, without any side effects, with natural ingredients, and that does not need harsh dieting or intense physical workups? It should be something that helps in improving metabolism, burning fat, and increasing overall energy. Based on the reviews given by the users, I found a great formula on the internet – Alpilean. The product has drawn the attention of the world within a short time of its release. Created by Zach Miller after getting inspired by Dr. Patla and Dr. Matthew Gibbs, the product is being closely monitored by everyone who wants to reduce fat and weight!

What is Alpilean and how it works

AlpileanAlpilean is a diet pill released recently as a viable solution to improve metabolism, reduce fat, and improve energy levels using natural ingredients. The ingredients are plant-based herbal extracts combined in the perfect dosage to control weight gain and improve fat-burning activity. The formula understands that weight gain is due to an incorrect lifestyle. You must know how your body is working on maintaining the body temperature to burn fat and calories, and body heat plays a vital role in metabolizing the fat in your body.

Even after trying many diet plans and workouts, you may not find them satisfactory. When compared to the other products sold in the market, Alpilean targets obesity and weight loss with the help of its rare ingredients sourced from the Himalayas and many other places. You are advised to take one capsule with cold water every day to achieve good results. The formula helps in raising your inner body temperature so that the excess fat can be burnt. It promotes good digestion, reduces bloated feelings, and reduces food cravings too.

The ingredients of Alpilean include:

  • Fucoxanthin – a rare carotenoid that has numerous health benefits such as protection against UV rays, cancer prevention, and improved vision apart from cardiac health with its antioxidant activity.
  • African Mango Seed – also known as Dika Nut, the seed is used in African medicine usually. It cures fatigue, poor digestion, and also anemia. It has Vitamin A to maintain healthy vision and skin. It mainly targets inner temperature and controls cholesterol levels.
  • Moringa leaf – a very nutritious plant that can be consumed in various forms. With high levels of proteins, vitamins A and C, magnesium, and potassium, it protects the body from any disease. It can also help in reducing inflammation.
  • Citrus Bioflavonoids extract – found in citrus fruits, the ingredient helps in weight loss by reducing fat storage and increasing insulin sensitivity. It controls blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels, and improves immunity.
  • Ginger root – is a spice with many health benefits such as improving digestion and reducing inflammation. The shogaols in ginger have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Turmeric rhizome – a valuable herb to treat varied diseases with curcumin in it. It helps in improving joint function.
  • Vitamin B12 – is an essential vitamin to help in losing weight. It regulates energy levels and blood sugar. It also reduces inflammation and improves nerve function.
  • Chromium – by regulating blood sugar levels, and craving for food it helps in reducing weight and burning calories.

The Alpilean formula has ingredients that have been clinically acknowledged to help in weight loss. What I liked best about this product is that it has all ingredients that are very powerful and result oriented. The product also comes to you with free bonuses that will guide you to achieve your results quickly.

  • 1-Day Kickstart Detox – An eBook with many tea recipes to detox the system. Your overall health can be improved by removing the waste from the system, and this can help in weight loss too as the toxins are taken away.
  • Renew You – A bonus to improve your mental health with simple methods that can be followed anywhere. This will improve your confidence and make you feel good.
  • Alpilean Wellness Box – This contains five great nutritional supplements that come to you free of cost when you buy the supplement. It comes to you with Immune Boost designed to improve your immune system with natural ingredients. MCT Pure Oil is a nutritional product that has medium-chain triglycerides to make you feel complete and also reduce weight. The body can absorb this fat quickly. Bio Balance Probiotics are made of good and healthy bacteria to support the gut and improve digestion, and mental clarity. Bowel movements and pH levels are improved. Deep Sleep 20 is a dietary product that helps in your sleeping pattern, while Ultra Collagen Complex is a formula that develops healthy skin, nails, and hair.

The Alpilean formula comes to you with a 60-day money-back guarantee, and if for some reason, you are not satisfied with the product, you can contact the company for a refund of your money. I find that the money-back guarantee encourages customers to use the formula without any fear of losing their money.


  • The supplement helps in regulating body temperature to help in weight loss.
  • There are no negative side effects when using this product.
  • Natural ingredients are used to prepare this formula.
  • It is easy to swallow the pill, and it gets digested easily too.
  • Your body does not become dependent on it. You can stop taking it whenever you wish.


  • The product has to be taken by pregnant women and lactating mothers only after consultation.

Final Verdict

Alpilean is a safe product when you want to lose weight without any side effects. The principle of maintaining the inner body temperature is followed. With all-natural ingredients constituted, the product does not give you any side effects. It is available in the form of easy-to-take capsules which can be taken every day with a glass of cold water. You can start seeing the result within one week, and in six months, you can see substantial changes in overall health and BMI. It does not make you addicted to the product. As in any other treatment procedure, you may have to wait to see the full result by using this product without any break.

The reviews from the users show that they have become cheerful after the Alpilean pills burned fat and elevated mood and energy. No chemicals or preservatives have been added to the product. With the safety of your money ensured by the return policy, why not give a trial and reap the benefits of this supplement? From the reviews of the users, I want to go with a five-star rating for the product!


The post AlpiLean Fat Loss Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Kerassentials Fungus Oil Review Sat, 22 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Kerassentials is a very powerful formula that can relieve you from severe skin and nail infections. With high-quality ingredients, it is safe to use the product without worrying about any adverse side effects.

The post Kerassentials Fungus Oil Review first appeared on Live Healthy.


“A thing of beauty is a joy forever”. Yes, every one of us is very conscious about our physical appearance whether we admit it or not! But how many of us pay attention to our nails and skin? Nail and skin health must be taken care of all the time. Many of you may be suffering from issues such as fungal infections and do not know how to get over them. Few products that can cure the issue permanently are available in the market.

You need a supplement that can get rid of any odor or irritation caused by the fungus-affected nails permanently. I find that many of the products available in the market are made of chemicals which will only worsen the situation, and you will land up in more trouble. From the reviews of the users, I am impressed with Kerassentials, a product with natural ingredients that seem to offer total relief for you from fungal infection.

What is Kerassentials and how it works

Kerassentials is a natural and very safe formula developed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon for maintaining healthy skin and nails without causing any side effects. It is an oil formulation that cures dry skin, yellowed nails, and smelly feet. With its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and powerful mixture of natural extracts, it offers great solutions for fungal infection.

The product is ideal for both men and women. It is a natural source for warding off fungal diseases.

When your nails and skin are affected by the fungus, they turn yellow or brown, very ugly to look at. They also become the source of fungal infection in other parts of the body and break easily. You will find such symptoms easily in the toenails which are exposed to dirt and pollution and are not washed as often as the fingernails. When Kerassentials is applied regularly, your problem of fungus-affected nails gets solved permanently.

The product focuses mainly on the root cause of the infection. As compared to many other products in the market, Kerassentials is very powerful and effective in treating infection. The product does not have any adverse effects on your body. There are no stimulants in the product. The oil gets absorbed by the nails and skin to fight against the fungus affecting your skin and nails.

The main ingredients of the product include:

  • Clove bud oil – to decrease the growth of fungal infection and stop the spreading of the disease. The fungal spores are eliminated from the body.
  • Aloe vera – is a great remedy for skin problems such as burns or dryness. This helps in reducing the scars and maintains skin health.
  • Organic flaxseed – to regain the healthy nails that are affected by the fungal infection. The immune system is greatly improved and the development of fungal infection is curbed.
  • Lemongrass oil – to fight bacteria, and reduce inflammation, and fungal infection.
  • Isopropyl palmitate – to improve the moisture of the skin. It helps in the easy spreading of the remedy to the affected parts.
  • Manuka oil – has more power than tea tree oil. It helps the most serious fungal infections too.
  • Chia seeds, lavender, corn starch, Povidone, and many other ingredients are included in the product to make it so effective.

The product helps in removing the root cause of the fungal infection in your body. It is an absolutely natural product and safe to use. You will not get any respiratory disorders. You will be surprised to see your glowing and healthy nails within a short time of using the product. It is easy to apply in the areas affected by the infection.

How to use the product

When you apply the product, ensure that the nails are filed carefully so that they do not spread to the other parts. You should not touch your eyes after using the oil. After applying the oil, do not walk barefoot. Keep your hands and feet clean to the maximum extent. Do not give up using the oil if you do not see the result immediately. Continuous usage will help you in due course.

The product can be used by any adult. You need to shake it before using it and apply it four times a day. You can apply twice in the morning and twice in the evening. You will get a brush applicator to apply the oil, and you can use a cotton swab to apply the oil to the cuticle. You will be effectively cured within 3 to 6 months.

The product comes to you at an affordable price. You will also get a refund within 60 days in the event of you not getting satisfied with the product.


  • You regain your healthy nails and skin.
  • Nail fungus gets dramatically reduced and cured within a short time.
  • You will not have any irritation or inflammation due to the infection, and the pain in your nails and skin gets reduced.
  • The natural ingredients of the product are safe to use and have no side effects.
  • The microbes causing the fungal infection are completely destroyed.
  • All the goodness of important minerals and vitamins that repair skin and nails are induced into your body.
  • Your body is fully cleansed of all fungal infections and gets back to its glowing self.


  • The product is said to work only on certain types of fungi, infections, and bacteria, and not on all.
  • It is not suitable for children below 8 years of age.
  • If you are under medication for health conditions, it may not work as it will interfere with the other drugs you are taking.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should not use it.
  • Before using the product, consult a physician for any allergic reaction it may have.

Final Verdict

Kerassentials is a very powerful formula that can relieve you from severe skin and nail infections. With high-quality ingredients, it is safe to use the product without worrying about any adverse side effects. Many people who have used the product have given very favorable reviews of having restored their healthy skin and nails.

Kerassentials is a cost-effective product unlike the other solutions in the market. The seller’s history and customers’ reviews go to show that the product is highly dependable without any reported adverse effects yet. Like any other product, Kerassentials too comes with certain restrictions, but still, you can give it a try as you have a money-back guarantee to ensure your investment is safe. After going through all the reviews by the users and the promoters, I give the product a five star!


The post Kerassentials Fungus Oil Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

The Thyroid Factor Review Thu, 13 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0000 What I liked most about the program is that it makes your task of bringing your thyroid levels to normalcy very easy with simple processes. This does not hurt as you get into healthy eating habits.

The post The Thyroid Factor Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Thyroid factor

Wouldn’t you just flat-out agree with me when I point out that the one issue that haunts many women around the world is obesity?! It is so difficult to control even after dieting, exercise, and medication. Yes, obesity is caused not only by binge eating and lack of exercise but also is attributed to genetics. Additionally, a very significant factor in the increase in weight is the imbalance in thyroid levels.

How can we bring thyroid levels to normalcy to prevent further health issues, lose weight, and maintain other parameters? I find that many products claim to do the needful in adjusting thyroid levels. But are they all helpful and without side effects? Any manipulation of thyroid levels can lead to serious consequences. After going through many reviews of various products, I find that ‘Thyroid Factor’ by Dawn Sylvester is a program that may work out well to achieve the weight loss that you have been frantically looking for.

What is Thyroid Factor and how it works

Thyroid Factor claims to be a highly effective program available in the market that helps you lose weight by giving complete focus on the thyroid which is the root cause of all the problems. It enables the body to start losing weight, improving energy levels, elevating one’s mood, and getting back your slim figure. All that it takes is 21 days! Unbelievable? Let’s take a more detailed look!

Thyroid factorOnce you start using the product, the makers claim that you will be able to see the impact almost immediately. By the end of 21 days of taking the product, you will notice a significant change in your mental and physical health. In the program, you will get a variety of foods and recipes to improve the thyroid levels in your body. The ingredients are such that you will find them in any place, and the recipes are very easy to prepare. You will notice a steady but significant loss of weight within a short time, feel energized, and achieve your targets. When compared to the other products in the market, Thyroid Factor seems to pave the way to regularizing thyroid levels.

You will find that the program offers suggestions on techniques and strategies to optimize your thyroid level so that you notice the effect within 24 hours of starting the product. Irrespective of age, you can use this when you want to reduce your body weight and stay fit. The main reasons for the metabolic disruption are chronic dieting, stress, too much exercise, and poor food intake.

The program points out how T3 and T4 help you to lose weight when they are on higher levels.

The program comes to you with a few components:

  • The 21-Day Thyroid Weight Loss System: This is the first component of the program to help you understand the fundamentals of the program, how it works, and how it improves your health. You will be suggested to take a supplement called Painless Nutritional Thyroid Support which includes vitamins, minerals, herbs, and plants to support thyroid health in many ways. You can get this by ordering online using the order form.
  • 101 Thyroid Boosting Foods – You are introduced to 101 food recipes that are thyroid-friendly, with essential oils, herbs, teas, and spices to boost your metabolism immediately. You have umpteen components that offer you many options that work well despite your age and can be taken at any time of the day.
  • Thyroid Jumpstart Guide – This is the third part of the program which helps you to stay on track regarding your thyroid condition. You will get a step-by-step program on how to start living a healthy life and achieve your targets easily.

These three guides are what most of you need to reset your thyroid health and achieve a better lifestyle and health. The program comes to you in a PDF form that can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. Especially when you reach your 40s, you will feel more fatigued and may even face tough times in just focusing on your daily chores. Within 5 days of starting the program, you will find that you are losing weight. As you continue to use the product, your weight will reach a comfortable and desired level. You need not worry if it is an expensive program as you do not have to buy any costly equipment. All the ingredients are available readily at most convenience stores.


  • You need not compromise on eating delicious food, and there are no starving routines.
  • The foods suggested in the book are quite affordable and easily available too.
  • You will find that the brain fog that you were experiencing will disappear, and you can notice regaining sharp thought processes when your thyroid function is normalized.
  • You can forget about belly fat.
  • You need to follow the instructions for just 21 days which is not a long period.
  • Even if you have a very busy schedule, you can quickly prepare the food suggested by the program and avoid any diet failures.
  • You will regain stronger bones and painless joints.


  • The program may not work for everybody.
  • It is a lifestyle change program that needs to be followed.

Final Verdict

The ultimate aim of the program is to help you get your thyroid function back to normalcy. You get a day-by-day plan to help you achieve this. What I liked most about the program is that it makes your task of bringing your thyroid levels to normalcy very easy with simple processes. This does not hurt as you get into healthy eating habits. The reviews of the users show that the program has been an eye-opener for many women.

You can see for yourself the changes in your body weight and general well-being once your thyroid levels are under control. It is not a harmful product. Even if you are not satisfied with the program, you can get a refund, and hence you can be assured of the security of your funds. It has been proven beyond doubt that women gain weight during menopause, and the program helps you with adjustments to your diet plan so that you do not have the harmful impact of thyroid imbalance. With your money safe and a refund policy available, you can give try this much-talked-about program to stay healthy and fit physically and mentally. Based on the reviews, I will rate this program 5 stars!

Thyroid factor

The post The Thyroid Factor Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

ReLiver Pro Supplement Review Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Since you can try it irrespective of your age, try it to rid yourself of your liver problems if you have any or have your liver protected from any complications. You need not feel it is a strenuous task to reduce weight and stay healthy.

The post ReLiver Pro Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

ReLiver Pro

How many of us are really blessed with sound health? VERY FEW. Today’s lifestyle, food habits, stress, and everything do not permit us to take care of our health. It is a crazy race. All of us are occupied with our work and we depend more and more on junk food and drinks. The result? A damaged and often irreparable liver condition.

Now, how to stop liver damage or protect our health? It is said that every year about 2 million people in the world die due to liver disorders, and the scariest part is the number is increasing rapidly. A healthy liver is the key to a healthy life. So it becomes imperative that we take care of the liver, even if we are busy with our schedules. But it becomes very difficult for most of us as a result of which we become dependent on liver health supplements. In fact, in recognition of this very need, the market today is flooded with supplements. It is again very essential that you go through the contents, features, benefits, and side effects of these supplements before starting to use them. One such product, Reliver Pro has won accolades in this niche and looks very promising. Let’s find out more.

What is Reliver Pro and how it works

Reliver Pro is a liver enhancement supplement that is made of ingredients that help in maintaining the good health of the liver. What I liked the most about the product is that it also helps in weight reduction which is not the case with the other products available on the market. It has been created by well-known scientists and medical professionals after much research.

The product has been approved by FDA keeping GMP guidelines as focal points.

Reliver Pro does not have any GMO components or stimulants. The product is made of natural resources, and even vegans can consume the product regularly for their benefit. Even if one does not suffer from any liver disease, he can take it comfortably without any side effects. It has been proved time and again that lack of proper nutrition, accumulation of toxins in the liver due to reasons such as alcohol or drugs, and other health issues cause liver damage. By taking care of all these things, one can certainly avoid any damage to the liver.

Signs Your Liver Is In Trouble (See The Symptoms)

ReLiver Pro

The product is blended with all-natural ingredients in perfect measurements that have been scientifically tested and approved to make the product effective and beneficial. Here’s a list:

  • Chanca Piedra – a natural herb that optimizes liver condition. It is a natural solution to chronic liver diseases because of its antioxidant properties to stop any cellular damage in the liver.
  • Yarrow – an element found in all ingredients that help digestion. It helps in balancing the microbiome in the digestive tract by balancing the bile production in the body. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Jujube Seed – is one of the best ingredients for liver betterment. Even a chronic liver condition can be cured when you regularly take jujube seeds.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine – reduces the toxic effects of the artificial chemicals and preservatives found in your food. It improves the blood supply to your liver and thus controls the impact of toxins on your liver.
  • Dandelion root – helps in reversing the fatty liver condition, reducing the cholesterol level in the blood, and helps in cardiac health too.
  • Artichoke leaves – reduce the risk of liver damage. It can also balance the body mass index. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is mostly cured by this.
  • Beetroot extracts – cures all sorts of inflammatory issues and detoxifies.
  • Celery – a very active ingredient to improve the production of enzymes, reduce fat, and protect the liver.

Reliver Pro has a combination of ingredients that help in getting rid of chronic liver problems without any side effects. Production of digestive enzymes in the digestive tract increases, thus keeping your digestive disorders away. It helps in losing weight also and increases metabolic rate. All that you need is to take one capsule a day to optimize your liver function, burn fat, and reduce weight.

The product comes to you with two bonuses:

  • The Liver Detox Bible: It is an eBook that explains all-natural strategies, diet tips, and lifestyle practices to help in detoxifying your liver. It shows by changing a few lifestyle factors how your liver health can improve dramatically.
  • ReLiver Pro bonuses
  • Anti-Aging Cookbook: This book contains recipes that can be cooked with the help of ordinary ingredients to improve the anti-aging effects. These recipes can help you look younger as they have been tested and tried. You get step-by-step instructions, a list of ingredients, and details about each recipe.
  • ReLiver Pro bonuses


  • It contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives, and so it causes no side effects.
  • The product has been tested by many labs.
  • It comes at a very reasonable price.
  • It helps in restoring optimal liver function.
  • The product supports improving your brain power too.
  • Any stubborn belly fat is removed.
  • It is very easy to consume – just once a day.
  • The product comes to you with a 60-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product.


  • An overdose of the supplement or in some cases, just an intolerance to it may cause dizziness, weakness or bloated feeling temporarily, in which case you have to stop taking it.

Final Verdict

Everybody wants a healthy body and happy living. Reliver Pro has been proven to help one achieve that. When compared to the other products available in the market, this product is fully made of natural ingredients to prevent any side effects when you use it. From the reviews of those who have benefited from this product, it can be said to be one of the best choices available in the market right now.

Since you can try it irrespective of your age, try it to rid yourself of your liver problems if you have any or have your liver protected from any complications. You need not feel it is a strenuous task to reduce weight and stay healthy. With just a few measures, you can see awesome results, and you will be amazed to find how healthy you feel, physically and mentally. With such an easy refund option, and great health benefits, why not give it a fair try? I would certainly give this product a 5-star rating based on the information provided on the website.

ReLiver Pro logo

The post ReLiver Pro Supplement Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review Wed, 10 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0000 The ingredients have been clinically certified for their properties to address the weight gain problem and weight reduction solutions. It is not addictive. You are assured of high-quality manufacturing and an effective end product.

The post Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Lkaria Belly fat juice

How to reduce weight, what can I consume, how effective is the remedy, what are the complications – questions rage through our minds whenever we want to reduce weight. And if you’ve tried online remedies, you must have been disheartened by the fact that most remedies suggested online or by doctors do not work, leading to more and more disappointment and self-disgust. Everyone with an obesity problem is frantic to find a solution that has no side effects and only provides desired results.

A new trend in the weight loss and fitness arena is Ikaria Lean Belly juice by Robert Harris, who claims that thousand of those who used it have witnessed positive results. But before indulging in using the product, is it not advisable to analyze the ingredients and the impact they have on your body? Those who have used it claim that they could feel the result even in the first use. But how does it work?

What is Ikaria Lean Belly juice and how it works

The Ikaria Lean Belly juice is said to be a vegan weight loss supplement that comes to you in a powdered form to be consumed after mixing it in water. The herbal ingredients of the product assure you of steady and healthy weight loss.

The ingredients have been clinically certified for their properties to address the weight gain problem and weight reduction solutions. It is not addictive. You are assured of high-quality manufacturing and an effective end product.

Many studies go to show the connection between weight gain and higher levels of cholesterol in the body. If you are maintaining a healthy weight, your metabolism is increased, and there is less hepatic steatosis and improved sugar absorption. The Ikaria Lean Belly juice contains all plant-based ingredients with high medicinal values. Each one of them is full of weight loss assistance properties and targets fat accumulation.

The main contents of Ikaria Lean Belly juice include:

  • Panax Ginseng: this product has total control on improving the metabolism and accelerating fat release when you follow a good exercise regime and healthy diet.
  • Silymarin: the extract of this product has proved to be very effective in treating metabolic dysfunction which leads to obesity and helps in weight loss.
  • Taraxacum: this ingredient is known for its weight loss properties and is consumed as a tea to increase the metabolic rate, reduction of bloating, and better urine output.
  • Resveratrol: when consumed, you will notice significant weight loss, waist circumference, and reduction in fat mass. It also improves muscle mass.
  • Citrus Pectin: your stomach emptying gets delayed by this product, and you do not feel hungry often. You will eat less and less craving for unhealthy food. The excess deposit of heavy metals is removed from your body.

The target of all these ingredients is to bring down the toxic fat molecules in your body. The juice dissolves the ceramides that cause weight gain from all parts of your body to get you a leaner structure. Since your metabolism is improved you will burn the calories fast, and gain more energy and stamina for your activities.

As compared to others in the market, Ikaria juice formula has scientifically proven ingredients to aid in healthy weight loss and contains many helpful medicinal properties, thereby bringing healthy changes in your body such as fat reduction and weight loss. The product is GMP certified to be manufactured with high-quality standards, sterility, purity, and perfection. The manufacturer also claims that a panel of experts monitors each stage of its preparation.

You have to consume the juice supplement as per the direction given. The ideal dosage is a single scoop mixed with a glass of water for consumption. You need to follow this practice for at least 3 months for a significant body weight loss. Since the product comes to you with no side effects, you can feel safe consuming the product. However, you need to check if you are taking the suggested quantity and the expiry date of the product as both of these can cause harmful effects on your body.

There are a few bonuses also when you buy this product:

  • The Anti-aging Blueprint
  • Energy-Boosting Smoothies
  • VIP Coaching


  • Ikaria Lean Belly juice comes to you with assured and proven results.
  • You can find a remarkable reduction in body weight, BMI, and fat accumulation once you take it regularly.
  • The product is a vegan and medically proven formula.
  • Your muscle mass improves when you take this product.
  • There is a 6-month money-back guarantee.


  • Some of you may notice a few mild symptoms in the initial days of your consumption.
  • It is advised to take the product after getting advice from your doctor.

Final Verdict

When you go through the responses from the users of this product, you will get convinced as to why you need to start taking this regularly. If you feel the ingredients and their effect match what you have been looking for in your body weight reduction, you can start it without any fear. However, you will need to wait for some time before you start seeing the effects of the product.

I find that the ingredients have a direct relation to weight loss by targeting the root cause of unwanted fat accumulation. What I liked best about this is the fact that it helps in improving muscle mass, there’s protection for the liver and other organs, and people experience improved energy levels. The product is not too expensive, and with comes with free shipping. As the product is available only on the official website, do not be carried away by claims of replicas.

With a money-back guarantee in place, I do not see any risk to your money. I would certainly suggest trying out the product without any fear of side effects or risks to your health. My rating for the product based on reviews is 4.5 Stars!

Lkaria Belly fat juice

The post Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Slim Crystal Bottle Review Fri, 22 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 The product seems to be getting overwhelming support from those who used it. With a money-back guarantee and no side effects, do you have to really hesitate to buy this and give it a try? My rating of this product based on the sheer creativity, ease of use, reviews, and features is 5 Stars!</

The post Slim Crystal Bottle Review first appeared on Live Healthy.

Slimcrystal Water Bottles

Clean water to drink is a primal necessity to life and something we all take for granted! People carrying water bottles to drink from is a common sight everywhere. The kind of water you drink, the amount you drink, and what you drink it from is of utmost importance – sounds unbelievable? Well, the bottle you drink your water from, can help you lose belly fat, claims this website. Can it be true? Let’s find out!

If there is a particular type of water bottle that can help you lose that extra fat, won’t it be absolutely dreamy and magical?! Yes, Slimcrystal water bottle s claim to be just that – not only will they satisfy your thirst but also help you in healthy weight loss and will improve metabolism. Slimcrystal is the only water bottle that claims to help you on both counts.

What is Slimcrystal water bottle and how it works

The Slimcrystal water bottle s come with crystals inside that work towards weight loss. It also helps in improving metabolism and clearing the clutter from your mind. You will be astonished at the natural process of weight reduction. So, what is it exactly? There are nine gemstones inside the water bottle in the form of crystals that have the medicinal properties of regularizing body metabolism to lose weight. These crystals also have several other health benefits.

The manufacturers of this bottle claim that consuming about three liters of water every day from this bottle will help you get rid of the extra fat and maintain your body shape. The crystals in the bottle heal the body, and thousands of users have benefited from using this. You will also find your mood elevated and your mind relaxed. If you continue to use it for 3 months at a stretch, you will see the desired results. Since it is very easy to carry anywhere, you can make use of the benefits of this bottle wherever you go.

The bottle has a unique combination of gems such as Agate, amethyst, jasper, quartz, sodalite, moonstone, green aventurine, carnelian, and citrine, each of which carries lots of benefits.

The benefits of these stones are:

  • Agate: to transfer negative energy to positive ones
  • Amethyst: to improve the immune system and skin texture
  • Jasper: to maintain mental balance & focus, and to remove stress and anxiety
  • Quartz: to regulate the body’s energy and boost the immune system
  • Sodalite: to heal gastrointestinal problems and improve body energy
  • Moonstone: to build happiness, self-discipline and improve strength
  • Green Aventurine: to promote the healing process and enhance the natural beauty
  • Carnelian: to help joints and bones heal well and to maintain kidneys
  • Citrine: to boost energy and give inspiration.

The nine gems in the bottle release their properties into the water to help in losing weight naturally. The low metabolic rate of your body gradually improves thereby reducing the fat without any ill effects. For several decades, this formula has been used to heal many ailments. Consider it a lost ancient secret, now rediscovered!

The crystals make the oxygen level in the water improve which in turn, assists metabolic rate and thus helps you lose the fat. You will start feeling very energetic in drinking water energized by these crystals. You will not need any supplements for your weight loss. Everything is covered by this bottle. You do not have to strain to lose weight. Slimcrystal water bottle s claim to be the latest and most effective means of losing weight and other health issues.

The product offers you bonuses too:

  • Healthy Fat Loss Desserts Cookbook and Videos – with recipes of healthy food with videos of expert chefs.
  • Slim Over 55 program – with fifty-five programs of exercises that are age specific to make you fit and flexible.
  • 57 Secrets of Reverse Ageing – contains details on natural and organic products to stay young and talks about the science behind age reversing factors.
  • Free Bracelet – A Slimcrystal bracelet in support of health and especially if you like to have accessories in hand.


  • Slimcrystal water bottle s are the only ones to help in weight loss.
  • The combination of the nine gems supports digestion and increases energy levels.
  • The rate of metabolism of your body improves when you continue to use the bottle for 3 months.
  • Overall body ailments are cured, and skin and appearance improve.
  • To get the desired result, you need to consume three liters of water from this bottle, which in turn also ensures you drink ample water each day
  • No diet restrictions or weight reduction supplements are needed.
  • All your negative thoughts, anxiety, and thoughts get reduced, and you become more positive.
  • There is a 60-day money-back guarantee too if you are not satisfied.
  • When you order two or more bottles, you get a cool discount and a free bonus.


  • Since the whole process is natural, you may start to see the results only after 60 days.
  • The results may vary vastly from person to person.

Final Verdict

As compared to others in the market, the water bottle is one of its kind to have gemstones inside that work for your body. Whenever you drink water from it, your body gets more energy and you experience an accelerated rate of metabolism. What I liked best about this is the fact that your digestion improves, and you also witness gradual and natural weight loss. The reviews of the customers who use this bottle are really encouraging, and since the price is quite affordable, you can buy and try this. The best aspect is that you get a good discount on the price and free bonuses too. Many labs have also tested these water bottles and found that the combination of crystals increases the oxygen level; thus, their reasoning has been accepted as valid and logical.

I find that the product continues to receive positive reviews and no negative feedback as yet. People start loving the product after witnessing the change it brings to their minds and health. What else is needed when a product is assured of no side effects, especially in weight reduction? There is also a money-back guarantee which makes the product all the more impressive. The product is in great demand as it has been helping people like you lose weight, stay healthy, and stress-free. The Slimcrystal bottle seems to have earned the praise of many who say that it is definitely worth the buy.

The product seems to be getting overwhelming support from those who used it. With a money-back guarantee and no side effects, do you have to really hesitate to buy this and give it a try? My rating of this product based on the sheer creativity, ease of use, reviews, and features is 5 Stars!

<img src="" alt="Slimcrystal water bottle s” class=”img-responsive”>

The post Slim Crystal Bottle Review first appeared on Live Healthy.
